‪‪Donald Trump‬, ‪Ivanka Trump‬‬

 ‪‪Donald Trump‬, ‪Ivanka Trump‬‬

youtube : https://youtu.be/OZTvOg1WfqM

has a secret weapon as he seeks to burnish his image in Cleveland: his daughter Ivanka Trump.

A mogul in her own right, Ivanka Trump has become her father’s most effective surrogate, softening the edges of Donald Trump’s brash and often controversial presidential campaign.

And she’s being called upon to play that role again in the spotlight of this week’s Republican National Convention.

“She’s seen much differently than her father — she certainly has a classier, more reasoned reputation, and she’s beloved by a lot of the people her father is not beloved by,” said Robert Thompson, a Syracuse University communications professor.

Expectations are high for her speech, with some seeing it as the presumptive nominee’s best chance to push back on accusations of sexism.

Ivanka Trump, 34, has addressed those charges head on before, calling her father a “feminist” who has been unfairly characterized by the press.

She has won widespread praise in defense of her father, even from some of his critics.

“I think Ivanka Trump has been Donald Trump’s best surrogate,” said Doug Heye, a former Republican National Committee aide who doesn’t support Trump.

“Unlike her father, she always appears poised and thoughtful, so I’m not surprised that she has such a prominent role in the campaign and the convention.”

Like her father, Ivanka Trump was largely a household name well before his meteoric political rise. She played a pivotal role in later seasons of NBC’s “The Apprentice,” graced magazine covers for her work as a model and has her own fashion line.

She’s an active part of the family business and has emerged as a trusted adviser  throughout his presidential campaign.

While much of the political world scoffed at the prospect of Donald Trump’s candidacy, it was Ivanka who took the stage in Trump Tower in June 2015 to tout her father as the only man “bold and independent” enough to put the country back on track.

She traveled the campaign trail in Iowa despite being seven months pregnant, reportedly played a central role in her father’s dismissal of former campaign manager Corey Lewandowski, and attended high-level meetings last week with the campaign’s vice presidential finalists.

Her visibility prompted a number of Trump allies to only half-jokingly suggest that she should join the ticket.

“His best running mate, by the way, would be Ivanka,” said Sen. Bob Corker (R-Tenn.) in an interview with MSNBC this month just after meeting with Donald Trump and withdrawing his name from the vice presidential race.

“I know that wouldn’t pass muster, probably, but I don’t know if I’ve ever met a more composed, brilliant, beautiful-in-every-way person.”

A summa cum laude graduate of the Wharton School — where her father also attended — Ivanka Trump has been described by the media as very much like her dad, though that may not be apparent to the public.

A 2007 New York Times article said Donald Trump’s second-oldest child “inherited her father’s prodigious flair for self-promotion” and is “her father’s daughter to the bone.”

That same year, Marie Claire magazine said “Ivanka has clearly inherited a little of her father’s P.T. Barnum instincts, as well as his liberal way with superlatives.”

But it’s the contrast in style, one that has allowed her to rise above much of the criticism lobbed at her father, that plays to Trump’s advantage.

Her active role in his campaign, Heye said, helps to portray the candidate as a “good parent,” which could help his appeal.

“Whatever else is said about Trump by people who don’t support him, of which I am obviously one, she and his sons speak to the fact that he’s raised a good family, and that’s obviously an asset,” he said.

She has repeatedly been deployed as a counterweight to her father’s most controversial comments, especially involving women.

And in June, she declared him a “feminist” father who told her she could do anything she set her mind to.

Her husband, Jared Kushner, for whom she converted to Orthodox Donald Trump’s speech to a major Jewish Republican group last year and penned an opinion piece lambasting those who labeled Trump as an anti-Semite after he tweeted an image that included a six-pointed star and a wall of money.

This week, she’ll step into her biggest challenge: attempting to convince female voters to have a Trump renaissance.

Her father can use all the help he can get with women. More than three-quarters surveyed by ABC News and The Washington Post said they held an unfavorable view of Trump. And other polls are similarly dismal.


But if his daughter is able to deliver, Donald Trump could have a message to hold on to as he desperately tries to peel female voters away from Democratic rival Hillary Clinton.


eshing for everyone.”

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