Anthrax‬ ‪Yamal Peninsula‬, ‪Skin ulcer‬‬

Anthrax‬ ‪Yamal Peninsula‬, ‪Skin ulcer‬‬

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A skin ulcer is a type of wound that develops on the skin. A venous skin ulcer is a shallow wound that occurs when the leg veins don't return blood back toward the heart the way they should. This is called venous insufficiency. See a picture of abnormal blood flow caused by venous insufficiency .

The Yamal area quarantined due to anthrax. The victims of dangerous diseases have become deer. Today, according to various estimates, have died from 1200 to 3000 animals.

sanitary quarantine regime in the territory of the Yamal-Nenets district avtomnogo introduced on the eve of July 25. The corresponding order was made by the governor. While anthrax outbreak affected only animals, no cases among humans. Alarms started to arrive about a week ago, but at the beginning of animal diseases associated with strong heat.

Currently we are taking all measures to protect: the animals infected with a dangerous disease, destroyed. Healthy deer will pass additional vaccination.

As told Head of the Veterinary Department of Agriculture of the Chelyabinsk region Sergei Slobodyanskii, the Southern Urals has taken security measures. All subordinate institutions have been informed, created an extraordinary commission that work on contingency and the spread of dangerous diseases. All livestock animals exposed to the disease, vaccinated. Import products from an infected area (skin, leather, meat) will be limited.

It is noted that in the infected area is the company "Yamal Reindeer", whose products are sold in Russia and exported abroad.

It is known that the last case of the outbreak of anthrax in Yamal was registered in 1941.

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anthrax bacteria,

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Anthrax is primarily zoonotic. No reports of direct human-to-human transmission exist in the literature, but laboratory personnel may contract the disease from specimens. Exposure to Bacillus anthracis may occur by contact with animals or animal products. Military personnel and civilians may become exposed in biologic warfare situations.

Exposure may be through agriculture or industry. Those at highest risk are shepherds, farmers, and workers in facilities that use animal products, especially previously contaminated goat hair, wool, or bone. Consumers may b

Cutaneous anthrax

Cutaneous anthrax develops 1-7 days (usually 2-5 days) after skin exposure and penetration of B anthracis spores[1] In the most common cutaneous form of anthrax, spores inoculate a host through skin lacerations, abrasions, or biting flies. This form most commonly affects the exposed areas of the upper extremities and, to a lesser extent, the head and neck. (See the images below.) Hematogenous dissemination occurs in 5-10% of untreated cases.

Seven-month-old infant with anthrax. In this infant, the infection progressed rapidly with significant edema developing the day after exposure. This large hemorrhagic lesion developed within 3 more days. The infant was febrile and was admitted to the hospital on the second day after the symptoms appeared.On September 28, 2001, the infant had visited the mother's workplace. On September 29, nontender massive edema and a weeping erosion developed. On September 30, a 2-cm sore developed over the edematous area. (Note that edema preceded the primary lesion.) On October 2, an ulcer or eschar formed, and the lesion was diagnosed as a spider bite. Hemolytic anemia and thrombocytopenia developed, and the patient was hospitalized. Serum was drawn on October 2; the polymerase chain reaction results were positive for Bacillus anthracis. On October 13, skin biopsy results were positive with immunohistochemical testing for the cell wall antigen.Note that the initial working diagnosis was a Loxosceles reclusa spider bite with superimposed cellulitis. Courtesy of American Academy of Dermatology with permission of NEJM.

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